Do You Suffer From Neuropathy?

If Treatments Haven’t Been Working, or If You’re Tired of Being Dependent on Them, There’s Another Way

Left untreated, the effects of neuropathy can get progressively worse. Book a FREE screening consultation today to determine the most practical and effective solution for achieving long-lasting pain relief.

Why Wait?

If neuropathy symptoms have taken a toll on your quality of life, don’t hesitate to return your lifestyle to the standards you deserve.

Our Office

Body Works Neuropathy Center
2100 Ellesmere Rd Unit 114, Scarborough, ON M1H 3B7, Canada


Neuropathy screenings and treatments are available to help sufferers of this condition deal with the symptoms and find healing.


If Treatments Haven’t Been Working, or If You’re Tired of Being Dependent on Them, There’s Another Way

At Body Works Neuropathy, we combine conventional treatments with a functional, varied approach that targets healing on a wider scale. Our neuropathy treatment program will address your symptoms; however, we will also work to identify and resolve the underlying problems at the root of your condition. Our focus isn’t merely on working to target symptoms, but also on improving your body’s overall health so it can more effectively heal itself. This includes therapy, nutritional supplementations and lifestyle adjustments.

For neuropathy patients, we also feature a more targeted approach. A lack of blood circulation can lead to the death of nerve cells and tissues. This is why we utilize a neurostimulator to aid in the repair and growth of damaged nerves. We stimulate afflicted areas, helping your extremities recover, and we also use leg wraps and herbal remedies to facilitate healing locally.

With these treatments, in addition to our focus on improving your overall health, we can help in reversing neuropathy, freeing you from the condition for good. But this only works if you’re ready to commit to our program.

If neuropathy symptoms have taken a toll on your quality of life, don’t hesitate to return your lifestyle to the standards you deserve. Call us today for a consultation and learn if you’re a good fit for our program.

Dr. Vanita Bali

Dr. Vanita Bali has made it her life's work to help REAL people, just like you. Dr. Bali believes in a multidisciplinary approach to solving complex conditions. We offer a variety of services to patients, so they can have the best chance of regaining and maintaining optimal health. Dr. Bali currently practices in the Functional Medicine space where she addresses the underlying cause(s) of a patient’s problems. She utilizes many forms of diagnostic testing to uncover the root cause of her patient’s problems and she always takes a comprehensive and customized approach with each patient. 
  • DO YOU...
  • Find yourself in a constant state of worry over erratic blood sugar levels? 
  • Feel hopelessly tied down by an unending regimen of insulin injections? 
  • Worry about developing severe diabetic complications – or suffer from them already? 
  • Continue to live with daily symptoms despite “normal” labs and unremarkable exams? 
  • You’re probably tired of taking handfuls of pills, only to have your doctor add more to combat the troublesome side effects caused by the others. You’re probably feeling stuck. 
  • “Is this my new normal? Is this my life now?” 
  • It’s time to stop MANAGING your disease – it’s time to start REVERSING it. 
  • You are not alone. Millions of type 2 diabetics face the same uphill battle. 
  • There is HOPE. 
  • We’ve helped many others overcome some of the biggest flaws in mainstream health care. We look where most healthcare providers don’t
  • You may be an ideal candidate for our clinical model. Our clinical model has the power to potentially reverse your condition so that you can achieve better health and have a better quality of life. We’ll treat you like an individual, not a label. Together we’ll disrupt the status quo and travel down a road paved by innovation, science, compassion and expertise. 

What are the Symptoms of Neuropathy?

  •  Pain
  •  Tingling
  • ​Numbness and weakness
  • ​Loss of sensation in the arms and legs
  • ​Pins and needles sensation in the arms, legs, hands or feet
  • ​A burning sensation in the feet or hands

The most common cause of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes, but other potential causes include:

  •  Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Liver disease
  • ​Hypothyroidism
  • Bacterial or viral infection
  • ​Kidney disease

Neuropathy can be a very frustrating condition. More than 20 million Americans suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy, a problem caused by damage to the nerves that run through the arms and legs. 

Let go of the limiting beliefs you’ve held about your neuropathy up until this point – defy the odds and heal! Because you are an individual, you deserve to be treated like one.

Your health is important to us.

Our office is located at:  

Body Works Neuropathy Center

2100 Ellesmere Rd

Unit 114

Scarborough, ON M1H 3B7, Canada


Copyright 2023. Body Works Neuropathy Center. All Rights Reserved

This site is for informational purposes only. The information has not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used as personal health advice. The statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, reverse, or cure any disease. The information is not intended to replace or delay prescription medication.